* Finish Color Value Charts
* 10 Color Scheme Paintings Based On Photographs
* Paper - "Artistic Influence"
We've gone over the color charts already. You've had two weeks so there should be little left to finish.
10 Color Scheme Paintings
You should all have a good selection of photos. You will only need ten - the one's with a specific, dominant color scheme - if you took 24 photos you have more to choose from. Look at the previous class period for further directions on the photo part of this assignment.
You will be using your photographs as source material, as your research and the first step in creating a more well-defined and successful composition. In each photograph, you have a rough color scheme and an initial attempt at a successful composition. As you begin to translate these photographs into paintings you are free to make editing and compositional choices...in other words...you can zoom in (concentrate on a smaller section), crop the photograph (remember your viewfinder...try rotating it around your photo), change the angle or adjust the lighting. Remember to SIMPLIFY and EDIT! I am NOT asking you to copy the photograph. You are simply using it as information to continue your explorations. Remember these are Color Scheme Paintings so in each painting it is absolutely necessary that you show evidence of understanding the color scheme you chose AND successfully elaborate, edit, simplify, and ORGANIZE the composition (Dominant, Subordinate, Accent...and...Foreground, Middle Ground, Back Ground). So if the color schemes are a little off in your photos you will adjust and refine the schemes as you transition from PHOTO to PAINTING.
-You will be making 10 paintings based on your 10 photographs. Therefore you will TapeFrame 5 sheets of Bristol (equally dividing the Bristol into two sections with tape forming a border on all sides and in between the two paintings.
-Make sketches in your sketchbook to help figure out the composition
-Make sure your color schemes follow the guidelines for that specific scheme (look at and plot the colors before hand on your color wheel - so the schemes are clear in your mind)
REMEMBER: I am looking for a thoughtful balance of the elements and a clear compositional structure to your works. Balance and contrast concerning positive/negative, organic/geometric (shapes, lines, etc.), scale relationships, different patterns and rhythms, etc., is of utmost importance. Go through your list of elements and principles. This list will guide you.
"Artistic Influence" - Paper
I want you each to write a two-page double spaced research paper on an artist of your choosing.
1. Google 50 artists from the list I provide. After viewing some of each artist's work and reading about them briefly write the artist's name and then one word that describes their use of color (in your sketchbook). From your list of vocab, and from what we've covered in class, you will run out of words quickly. Use words like industrial or intimidating or short phrases that might better explain the sense or feeling you get from the color scheme that artist used. Do NOT repeat words!!!
Choose and focus on one artist for your research paper.
We will be using this research in class, and on one of your large sheets of Bristol, to create a painting informed by the artist you chose.