Bring in all homework and all supplies (minus your other large bristol).
I want each of you to email me ( so I can get your individual email addresses. Copy and paste the following into the body of the email - then fill out and send to me. Under proposed grade I want each of you to tell me what grade you think you deserve. I will then reply with your grade later in the week or this weekend.
*Finish Influence Composition
*Favorite song paragraph
You have all written your two page paper on an artist of influence, and we have discussed options for each of your concerning how to proceed with your compositions.
-Tape frame 18 x 24" Bristol Board.
-Use collage, pencil, pens, ink, acrylic, markers, etc...Utilize whichever medium fits your project.
Carefully consider the colors you choose - thoughtfully arrange your composition. I am not looking for a copy of your artist, nor am I looing for something in the same style. I am looking for SIMILARITIES in color/color relationships and process (how the work is made). What is it about the artist/artwork you chose that resonates with you? Brainstorm some of these ideas and use your sketch book liberally to edit, elaborate or work through some ideas for your compositions. What colors are you using? How do they relate to eachother? Remember the principles - thoughtfully utilize each in your own, unique way.
Favorite song
When we listen to music we are hearing a sonic sound scape. We are hearing a landscape of sound. It can then be said that we are part of a sound space. For our purposees here SPACE is the key word. There are differing textures, rhythms, shapes, relationships, etc., in these soundscapes. We may also imagine colors and movement within this space. What is your favorite song? What images pass through your mind when you listen to this song? If a specific narrative plays through your mind, focus on the formal qualities (line, shape, rhythm, textures, etc) - and specifically, how those elements fit together in space. What does the SOUNDSPACE of your song look like? Is it hard edged and jagged? Chaotic and organic? Bright colored and wavy? Are things all bunched together and chaotic, or linear and even (repetitive)? What are the shapes or the character of the lines? Most importantly what can you find out or discover about the space?
Write one page to one paragraph about this song. This may take the form of a clustering exercise or a list of descriptive words. Go through the principles and the elements of design and decide (for example) what the line qualities will be, scale relationships, rhythms, patterns, etc. You will be presenting these in class and working on an accompanying piece based on this favorite song (utilizing the elements and principles you have decided on).