*Hang/Discuss: Boxes
*Collect assignments (including PhotoGrid)
*Discuss: Color (I)
*Studio: Color Charts
*Color Chart (remember just the first one in the illustration below)
*10 Color Scheme Photographs
Color Chart
Materials: Bristol board, tape, pencil, acrylic paints, mixing tray, brushes, paper towels, etc...
Description: Create 2 color tint/shade charts with equal gradation, even application of paint, and no white space between colors.
Objective: Familiarize you with paint/color application, tint/shade control, in preparation for an extended color scheme investigation utilizing photography and painting.
*Use a "control" pile of color: Then selectively add white/black
*Even Gradation: Make sure each "step" of tint/shade is even and at an equal gradation/tone with the colors surrounding
*Keep lines clean (sharp edges between tints/shade and neighboring colors): Vertically tape every other strip of color - paint every other strip - dry - remove vertical strips - then apply new vertical strips on TOP of painted gradation (to ensure further clean lines).
*Perceptually Mix: Some colors/paints are inherently stronger (more powerful) than others, so mixing "equal spoonfuls" of paint may not work. You will have to perceptually mix the colors.
*Adjust "Out of Tube" Color: For your DARK colors (like prussian, alizarin, viridian, etc.) you will find that it is difficult to add black and achieve a gradual darkening (it's so dark already). So you will have to mix a TINY bit of white into the "MIDDLE COLOR - #5 in your chart) - just to allow for a perceptible gradation towards black.
Color Chart Example 1
Color Chart Example 2
10 Color Scheme Photographs:
Materials: Camera (digital, manual, disposable), quality photo paper
Description: Explore the systems and structures of the world around you...specifically the angles, lines, forms and COLOR! Using your camera (manual, digital, disposable) take/make 10 photographs emphasizing a specific color scheme for each. Subject matter is your choice. Remember this assignment requires you to open your eyes to the color all around you (and is an opportunity to get out of the studio).
Unfamiliar materials lead to unexpected results and in a similar fashion:
Use COLOR as a jumping off point, a point of focus, and let your search and discovery lead you to places and compositions of which you may have never thought. Take/make your photographs and print them (around the standard 4 x 6" size - no smaller/may be larger 8x 10").
You will be working with these photographs for a few weeks so make certain you have images you can work with...Good luck!
*Emphasize ONE color scheme/relationship for each photograph
*You may take as many photos as you need. But only bring to class ONE that corresponds to each color scheme (10 total).
1) Monochromatic: One Hue + tint, shade, tone.
2) Analogous: Two or Three Hues side by side (adjacent) on the color wheel + tint, shade, tone.
3) Triadic: Any three hues (+ tint, shade, tone) and their mixtures - equal distance from each other on the color wheel.
4) Complementary: Hues directly across from each other on the color wheel + tint, shade, tone.
5) Split Complement: Three or more hues (+tint, shade, tone) using any hue and hues on either side of its complement.
6) Double Complement (Tetradic): 4 or more hues - Two pairs of complements (+ tint, shade, tone).
...and for your 10 photographs...I have added a few more "color schemes":
7) Warm Colors (+ tint, shade, tone).
8) Cool Colors (+ tint, shade, tone).
9) High Contrast (+ tint, shade, tone).
10)Low Contrast (+ tint, shade, tone).
Please visit the COLOR folder/label on right for other useful information/illustrations concerning color. On OASIS I have included a color scheme handout that you may want to print out and keep for your records.
*Finished Color Charts
*Finished 10 Color Scheme Photos
*All Supplies