*Discuss 5 Color Scheme Paintings
*Grade Proposal
*Hand in Portfolio
*You will be presenting your ideas concerning your Sonic Landscape Essay - and most importantly how this information could be used to create a small scale image using your choice of materials (any we've used in class). Present these possible image ideas to the class and the class will provide feedback as we "workshop" your ideas together.
Re: Presentation---Each of you have listened to your song multiple times and have attempted to apply the vocabulary of 2D Design to music (shape, line, color, repetition, pattern, balance, etc). Continue to "research" your ideas, make some sketches, and although you're not making a final image, come to class prepared to present 2 or 3 possible final images. Remember to find strong reasoning for compositional choices. Each of you should use your essay as a starting point, you will not be reading the essay to class - simply using it as a guide. You are to present images, sketches, and speak to the class as though you are presenting these ideas for their approval.
*Find an online source for your song!
*Bring all supplies, etc. (per usual).
*Please check back to this website for updated info