Color Wheels
Additive Color: Projected
Subtractive Color: Printed
Painter's Color Wheel
Print Color Wheel
Additive Color Wheel (Projected)
Saturation/ Value
Saturation/Value #2
Cross Complement Mixing (Neutrals/Greys)
Monochromatic: One Hue + black and white.
Analogous: Two or Three Hues side by side (adjacent) on the color wheel + black and white.
Triadic: Any three hues (+ black and white) and their mixtures - equal distance from each other on the color wheel.
Complementary: Hues directly across from each other on the color wheel + black and white and all mixtures in between.
Split Complement: Three or more hues (+black and white) using any hue and hues on either side of its complement.
Double Complement (Tetradic): 4 or more hues - Two pairs of complements.
MONOCHROMATIC:Elizabeth Peyton. John Lennon 1964. Oil on Canvas, 1994.
ANALOGOUS: Kai Althoff. Untitled.
John Currin. Ms.Omni. Oil on canvas, 48 x 38 inches. 1993.
Matthew Ritchie. The Eighth Sea. Oil and Marker on Canvas, 99 x 121 inches. 2002.
Neo Rauch. Hatz. Oil on linen, 82.68 x 98.43 inches. 2002.
Trenton Doyle Hancock. Rememor with Membry.2001.
Acrylic on canvas, 54 x 66".
Collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art, NY.
Some Interesting Color Ideas (browse at your leisure):
*Archimedes Lab*Optical Illusions
*Lightness Perception and Lightness Illusions
*Spectrum and Scale Cabinet Magazine Essay Color and Sound
Artist's Color Wheel (EXPANDED)
Simultaneous Contrast
Successive Contrast (afterimage)
Simultaneous Contrast Mitigating Factors: Spatial, Temporal Proximity
Color Context (sharp/smooth edge)