*Syllabus, Website
*The "supply list" can be found under the SYLLABUS tab (to the right). The syllabus is available for download on Oasis or Moodle. If you want to stagger your purchases to save money, hold off on the color acrylic paint (still purchase white/black), and the large sheet of bristol.
*You must have the required supplies for each class. If you do NOT have your supplies, it's a bit difficult to work in class (as you can imagine). Don't find yourself in this position.
*I will restate this in class, but please make a habit of checking this site for updates on assignments/what to bring to class/etc.
*Check the LABELS bar on the right for post-class updates to this site - that's where reminders of your homework and necessary class materials will be found. Bring all supplies to class - every class period - unless otherwise noted.
*NEED A LOCKER?---Go to 9th Floor Design/Computer Lab Desk : Bring Padlock and Columbia ID
*Some suggested links concerning systems and line:
--Julie Mehretu (Bomb Magazine,2005)
--Art21 (PBS)-Systems Episode List
Student Example of Linear Systems:
Homework :*Buy supplies (except large bristol & colored acrylics)
*Familiarize yourself with this website
*Finish Linear Systems assignment (approximately 11" x 14" graphite drawing on bristol) - please follow the instructions on your handout - if you have questions email me.
Bring To Class:
*Linear Systems