
OF 2-D DESIGN 22-1220

Columbia College Chicago 600 South Michigan Chicago, IL 60605
Art + Design Department, 623 South Wabash, room 721
A+D office phone 312.369.7380; A&D fax: 312.369.8009

Students learn to organize visual images by acquiring understanding of visual elements such as line, shape, tone, texture, and volume. Students also examine and apply design principles such as repetition, variety, and movement. Emphasis is on simple graphic skills. Required for all Art and Design majors; course is also useful for non-majors.

This course was designed to introduce students to the language, aesthetics and concepts
of contemporary art processes.
• To study the elements of design: LINE, SHAPE, SPACE, TEXTURE, AND COLOR.
• To control visual relationships through the design principles: BALANCE, UNITY,
• To instill professional work habits and attitudes (professional presentation)
• To nurture individual creative problem solving
• To develop skills in materials and the language of art and design.
• To develop visual awareness and sensitivity

Through a sequence of explorations and problems utilizing various media, students will develop the visual understanding and vocabulary of design elements and principles. By the end of the semester, students will be able to do the following:
• Discuss the strengths of art work using the vocabulary of art and design
• Organize the elements of design in a thoughtful and creative manner
• Explain and employ the elements and principles of design
• Thoughtfully utilize a variety of color schemes and harmonies
• Demonstrate proficiency with traditional and digital technologies
• Experiment with forms and color using the theories of art history and an awareness of
contemporary practices.

Art + Design courses have a $40.00 Instructional Resource Fee that supports the curriculum of the department. Students can easily add money to their campus cards from home by following the campus card link on

•Please contact a classmate if you have missed class and need to obtain handouts and notes. You are responsible for all missed information. If you attended class but need clarification, contact me via email.
•Absolutely NO food in the studio is allowed at any time.
•Classroom should always be left in better condition than found
•NO personal sound systems or cell phones should be used at any time.

All final grades will be based on an A thorough F scale. Plus (+) and Minus (-) grades will be awarded. Projects will be evaluated by the following criteria:
•Appropriateness of solution
•Uniqueness of ideas
•Ability to formulate concepts through developmental processes
•Ability to translate basic concepts covered in class
•Ability to meet deadlines
•Verbal communication skills during class discussions and critiques
•Professional presentation skills

All homework is due at the beginning of class the following week it is assigned. Assignments not handed in on time are subject to a drop in grade. Late Projects: No project will be accepted beyond one week of its due date. Projects being turned in later than one week past the due date will receive a grade of 0, unless arrangements have been made with the instructor. Incompletes will only be given under special circumstances and with the permission of the instructor. Incompletes that are not completed during the next semester will automatically become an F.


Attendance is required in all Art + Design classes. In each class, attendance is tied to specific learning outcomes and to course grades. Any absence will affect your ability to complete coursework successfully. There are no excused absences. More than three absences is cause for failure. Here are some examples of the ways in which attendance connects with learning outcomes:
1) Students critique and evaluate each other’s work in class and it is essential for your progress and learning experience to be present to do so. Critiquing develops analytical skill and communication proficiency.
2) Students frequently collaborate on projects and in-class exercises, and learning these skills requires you to be present.
3) Participating in class discussions and critiques helps you develop skill in self expression and verbal/rhetorical abilities.

If you have to miss a class please contact a classmate for the missed information and assignment. You, the student, are responsible for all missed information. If you are having difficulty understanding an assignment or need to contact your instructor send an e-mail. E-mails are checked regularly, this is the best way to get in touch with your instructor.

Student evaluation of teaching in the 11th week.

Students at Columbia College Chicago enjoy significant freedom of artistic expression and are encouraged to stretch their scholarly and artistic boundaries. However, the College prohibits all forms of academic dishonesty. “Academic dishonesty” is understood as the appropriation and representation of another’s work as one’s own, whether such appropriation includes all or part of the other’s work or whether it comprises all or part of what is represented as one’s own work (plagiarism). Appropriate citation avoids this form of dishonesty. In addition, “academic dishonesty” includes cheating in any form, the falsification of academic documents, or the falsification of works or references for use in class or other academic circumstances. When such dishonesty is discovered, the consequences to the student can be severe.

Columbia College Chicago seeks to maintain a supportive academic environment for students with disabilities. Students who self identify as having a disability should present their documentation to the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office. After the documentation has been reviewed by the SSD office, a Columbia College accommodation letter will be provided to the student. Students are encouraged to present their Columbia accommodation letters to each instructor at the beginning of the semester so that accommodations can be arranged in a timely manner by the College, the department, or the faculty member, as appropriate. Accommodations will begin at the time the letter is presented. Students with disabilities who do not have accommodation letters should visit the office of Services for Students with Disabilities, Room 304 of the 623 S. Wabash building.

All assignments are due the week after they are assigned unless otherwise noted.
Week 1 (1/18/12): INTRODUCTIONS, Syllabus Overview.
(Monday, January 23, last day to add a class)
Week 2 (1/25/12): Line. Discussion. Lecture. Demonstration. Studio.
(Monday, January 30, last day to drop a class)
Week 3 (2/1/12): Shape. Critique/Discussion. Lecture. Demonstration. Studio.
Week 4 (2/8/12): Value. Critique/Discussion. Lecture. Demonstration. Studio.
Week 5 (2/15/12): Texture. Critique/Discussion. Lecture. Demonstration. Studio.
Week 6 (2/22/12): Color I. Critique/Discussion. Lecture. Demonstration. Studio.
Week 7 (2/29/12): Color II. Critique/Discussion. Lecture. Demonstration. Studio.
Week 8 (3/7/12): MIDTERM. Critique/Discussion. Quiz.
(Monday, March 12, last day to withdraw from class [A “W” appears on
Week 9 (3/14/12): Space I. Critique/Discussion. Demonstration. Studio.Quiz.
Week 10 (3/21/12): Space II. Critique/Discussion. Demonstration. Studio.Quiz.
Week 11 (3/28/12): Spring Break! No Class.
Week 12 (4/4/12): Perspective I. Critique/Discussion. Demonstration. Studio.
Week 13 (4/11/12): Perspective II. Critique/Discussion. Demonstration. Studio.
Week 14 (4/18/12): Combinatorial Realities Project I. Critique/Discussion.
Demonstration. Studio.
Week 15 (4/25/12): Combinatorial Realities Project II. Critique/Discussion.
Demonstration. Studio.
Week 16 (5/2/12): FINAL. Individual Critiques/Portfolio Presentation-Review.


Note: Please download a copy of the syllabus (which includes course calendar/supply list) from Oasis.

•2 Pads of Bristol Board (Strathmore ONLY) 11”x 14”
•1 Pad of Translucent Vellum 11”x 14” (9” x 12” if they’re out of the larger)
•1 11" x 14" Presentation case with plastic sleeves - Itoya (preferred) or Prat (11” x 14” - keep work crisp and professional)
•Sketchbook (at least 9”x12”)
•Box for supplies (plastic – tackle box type)
•Small container with tight fitting lid for water
•Ruler (approximately 16”)
•Roll of Drafting Tape (easy to remove) OR Delicate Surface Blue Tape by 3M (delicate surface is a specific type) ONE INCH THICK!!!
•X-Acto knife/replacement blades
•Glue stick (Uhu brand)
•1 larger sheet of Bristol/illustration board (no smaller than 18 x 24”)
•Pencil set (from 6H-6B) OR individual pencils 2H, HB, B, 2B,8B
•White vinyl eraser
•PAINT (prefer Golden/Liquitex Acrylic paint - Artist Grade is best, student grade is
•2 or 5 oz. tubes of each of the following: Titanium White (large tube), Ivory Black,
Viridian Green, Sap Green, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red (light or medium is
okay), Cadmium Yellow (light or medium is okay), Ultramarine Blue, Prussian or
Pthalo Blue (one or the other)
•4 Brushes for acrylic painting (pick four from these types - Rounds: #1, #3, #6, Flat: #4
OR #5 OR #6) – the more variety the better - buy more at anytime
•3 Brushes for ink (flat, round, wash all between #3-#8)
•Palette Knife (for mixing paint -1” Length x 1/2” Width triangular head – offset handle,
#1017 at Utrecht)
•Painting palette (for ink/acrylic paint –plastic or metal or butcher’s tray –not disposable)
•Small container of India ink
•Dip Pen for use with a few different steel split nibs (crow – quill not calligraphy)

••I will add/subtract items as needed –we will go over each item in class••


Blick Art Materials
1574 N. Kingsbury St.
36 S. State St.

Genesis Art Supplies
2417 N. Western Ave.

33 S. Wabash Ave.