Circle in a square





Circle to ellipse

View change (horizon shift)

View change (angle shift)

ONE point perspective

TWO point perspective

THREE point perspective

Perfect Square in 1Pt. Perspective
Step 1: Anchor Point

Step Two: Face of rectangle

Step three: Diagonals

Step four: Finish

Two point perspective

One horizon and many sets of lines (which in reality are parallel) going in different directions - each converging at unique vanishing points.

Albrecht Altdorfer. The Battle of Issus, 1529. Oil on wood, 52 1/4" x 47 1/4".

*Isometric is a term that refers to an orthographic view of a cube where all angles of view are 45° three sides of the cube are equally visible.
*Dimetric is a term that describes an orthographic projection of a cube where any two angles of view are the same (not necessarily 45°) as each other.
*Trimetric is a term that describes an orthographic projection of a cube where none of the three angles of view are the same.

Varied Perspectives:

One of a pair of six-panel rakuchû rakugai zu byôbu, known as the Funaki screens, 1614-15. Ink and color with gold leaf on paper, each screen 162 x 340 cm. Tokyo National Museum.